Upper Marlboro - Tierra Willard
Courtesy of: Keller Williams Preferred Properties, Tierra S Willard
Listing Sold By: Washington Fine Properties, LLC
Local Realty Services Provided By: Keller Williams Capitol Properties
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1222 Hamilton Street NW, Washington, DC 20011
5 Beds
5 Baths
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1222 Hamilton Street NW, Washington, DC 20011
Estimation provided by Keller Williams Realty Inc.
5 Beds
5 Baths
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Property Description

Become the owner of this magnificent home just featured in DC's UrbanTurf Magazine...Stylish, sophisticated & gorgeously redeveloped down to the studs, by Washington DC's own, longtime developer, Bridge Management Holdings, Inc. Live & entertain graciously thanks to this well thought out open floor plan. They say the kitchen is the heart of the house - and it couldn't be truer here! Spotlighting a gourmet kitchen with a commercial gas stove and a separate electric wall oven, perfect for the top chef in you. Options are great, right? Just imagine how fun it would be to cook & entertain in this nearly 4,000 square foot space. Oh and that quartz double island speaks for itself. Envision summertime on the oversized deck or see yourself walking out of your master bedroom onto your private balcony with beautiful city views. The upper level is easy living at its best, presenting 2 master bedrooms both with en-suites & a 3rd bedroom with a stylish hallway bathroom. The main master suite is an oasis of its own, featuring a modern built-in fireplace & a spa-themed en-suite with its hydrotherapy jets & waterfall shower streams. This is just the getaway you need. The basement level can be converted easily to a rental unit for extra income, or continue to be an in-law suite for multi-generational living. Featuring 2 oversized bedrooms & full bathroom, recreation room, a wet bar with wine fridge & microwave for entertainment but enough space for a full kitchen. Did I mention 2 car off-street parking, 2 separate washer and dryer spaces on the upper and lower level & USB charging ports throughout the house? Yes! Not 1 detail was missed. Just off Georgia Avenue, conveniently located to everything but away from the hustle & bustle. Walking distance to parks, restaurants, & grocery stores makes this a walker's paradise (90) on Walkscore.com. There's so much more to this home. Come see what the fuss is about. Seller prefers Diamond Title.

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1,632 Days
Type: 90% Forced Air, Type: Central, Fuel: Natural Gas
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MD 645732

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Car-Dependent Walkable Very Walkable
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